Sunday 8 May 2011

Week 2

Today was day 1 of week 2. I got up bright and early with the sunrise about 7:30am and headed out for a 7k run. It was nice because it was very sunny and I ran through a little park near my house. It was good to get some hills in because I really need to work on those for training, but Chatham is fairly hill-less :) It was my first run that long in over a month, so by the 5th and 6th km I definitely felt pretty tired, but I was happy with my time, and glad to have the long run over :) I have boot camp two times a week now and will be running 5 of 7 days a week.

My shins and I got along quite well today, I have been regularly applying TigerBalm before I leave and even after a shower, as I sat in church this morning, I told Stu I could still feel the chill on my shins. I am sold :)

It was a warm sunny day all day, and Pismo and I took full advantage :) Some people say the best feeling after a run is knowing you completed it, and the satisfaction of crossing the finish line....I say the best feeling is taking off my shoes and socks:)

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